Thursday, April 16, 2009

friends part two

melissa - what makes it city based romance a city based romance ??

me - A City Based Romance is a Romance that takes place in the city. Cities are a lot more romantic than not cities. I think

megan - there is city
megan - and then there is not city

me - actually, i've heard that outside of the city, there's just this barren wasteland, with tumbleweeds flying all over the place... and nothing else. just death.

megan - death and amish people

melissa - true, cities are more romantic, i think. BUT he visited me in the vast and barren land of aurora and it defiantly didnt spoil the mood

me - really? you guys had fun without electricity? or running water?
well i guess how being dark and dirty would be fun.. or something.

david - whoahhhhhh cool the hatred on the amish people. i happen to be very close to some amish friends i have
david - and that's a complete lie
david - although i do often wonder how melissa gets by without electricity.
david - and how it feels to have six moths of day and six months of night

me - melsa, how's your pet polar bear doing?

melissa - i am like 45 min north of toronto, i don't live in nunavut ok! and we straighten our hair by llama

me - ...there's things north of toronto that aren't nunavut? i think you might be a bit confused melissa. and by a bit, i mean incredibly confused.

megan - llama?

melissa - as in we straighten our hair by llama. it chews, and we brush. it works incredibly well
melissa - and franco is fine, thank you cass.

david - whoahhhhhhhhh llama straightening hair?
david - i dont understand that
david - can you please draw a diagram for me?
david - and i am glad that franco is well. he was looking a little sickly last time i saw him

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So you DID quote us!

Yaay. :)

P.S. I had to type the word "undie" as a word verification, and i must admit, i giggled a little while doing so.