Sunday, April 19, 2009

music snobbery? or plain fact?

So, I will admit that at times (often times...) I am a huge music snob.
I can't help it, but my music tastes generally are just... better.

Despite all this, when it was announced that "Tinted Windows" was going to be a band, I was semi-excited.
Because the four members of Tinted Windows are...
1) An Ex-Hanson
2) An Ex-Smashing Pumpkin
3) An Ex-Fountains of Wayne
4) An Ex-Cheap Trick.

And I LOVE The Smashing Pumpkins, Fountains of Wayne (Guilty pleasure) & Cheap Trick (Another guilty pleasure). And I figured that maybe the Hanson brother's voice got decent since he hit puberty.
I had high hopes.

I was wrong.
The music is catchy, but my fourteen year old brother could write better hooks & lyrics.
I, for one, am severely disappointed.

But my question is: Am I being a music snob? Or do they actually suck?
Lemme know....
(LISTEN HERE! -YouTube-)

1 comment:

momma wolf said...

I think they actually suck...and I had suck high hopes for well.