Friday, April 17, 2009


school is insane.
i have a chemistry test monday that was assigned yesterday
i have a math assignment monday that was assigned yesterday
i have a history paper assigned tuesday due today
i have a french test assigned tuesday due today
i have a media assignment tuesday assigned today

it's too much. in addition to all this, i have work both days this weekend.
i also have to sleep and eat somewhere in there, and i'd kind of like to be social.
but i can't because of all this work. and it's going to kill me. very slowly.

on a slightly more positive note, my header is amazing. i think.

umm... what else. i am currently at lunch, but not eating because the line is too long. i will eat once there is no more line. line = bad. bad line.

i am overtired, yes i am. Survivor last night (my favourite show) was SO disappointing. my favourite guy, Brendan, was voted off because his alliance mates are backstabbing assholes, so fucking Coach, who i want to punch in the face every time he comes on, is still in the motherfucking game. what the hell?! cough...

but that is all. for now. imma gonna go eat.
peace holmes.


momma wolf said...

I agree, you are SO overwhelmed and I LUFFS you header, you made?

cassonia said...

nice that someone is not just calling me whiny =P

yushh i made. i made the header for:

i can makes you one if you wanttt.
i misss youuu. we should msn sometime. <3