Saturday, April 18, 2009

when I "grow up"...

when I "grow up"...

I want to go to every single concert I can afford with my husband, rocking a huge baby bump.
I want to have a beautiful son, who doesn't feel the same sort of pressure I did growing up
I want to write things that change people.
I want to drive my son to school and kiss my husband every morning.
I want to pack them both lunches with pre-peeled oranges.
I want to tuck my son in every night, and promise against monsters under the bed.
I want to make love (not have sex... make love) to my husband after our son's asleep.
I want to play with my son in the park every weekend, and buy ice cream from trucks, and run around.
I want to laugh with my family till it hurts.
I want to have a dog that'll grow up with my family.
I want to have a group of friends that lasts a lifetime
I want to be happy
I want to have good music to listen to, and good people to love.

Is that too much to ask?

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